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Writer's pictureDouglas McCall

Unleash Your Potential #82 - Aligning Identity and Goals

Douglas: Welcome to the Unleash Your Potential Blog; what question can I answer today?


JourneyJoy: How do I set and achieve meaningful goals?


Douglas: When it comes to setting goals, many people start with the "what." What do I want to accomplish? What milestones do I need to hit? What steps should I take next? While these questions are important, they often leave us chasing short-term accomplishments that don't necessarily lead to lasting fulfillment. That's because the "what" is just one puzzle piece.


Instead of focusing solely on the outcome, a deeper, more sustainable approach begins with the who. Who are you becoming as you pursue these goals? How does achieving this goal align with the person you want to be? Focusing on identity-based goals makes the process more meaningful, and success feels more authentic.


Identity-Based Goals: Shaping Who You Are, Not Just What You Do

Traditional goal-setting is often about external achievements—losing 20 pounds, getting a promotion, saving a certain amount of money. These are important, but they are primarily outcomes. When you take an identity-based approach, you ask yourself: "Who do I need to become to achieve this goal?"


For example, instead of saying, "I want to lose 20 pounds," consider framing the goal as "I want to become someone who prioritizes their health and makes mindful choices about food and exercise." This shift in focus changes the way you approach your goal. The outcome (losing weight) is still there, but it's now connected to a more profound sense of purpose and self-improvement.


Why does this work? It's because our identity is the foundation of our behavior. If we see ourselves as someone who values health, our daily actions align with that identity. We make healthier food choices, prioritize exercise, and view setbacks differently—not as failures but as opportunities to grow and reaffirm our identity.


Start with Why: Connecting Your Goals to Your Core Values

Setting identity-based goals begins with understanding your why. Your "why" is your internal compass that drives everything you do. It's deeply rooted in your values and the person you aspire to be.


To find your why, ask yourself these questions:


What values matter most to me?

Who do I admire, and what qualities do they embody?

What kind of person do I want to become?

You can align your goals with your true identity by clarifying your values. This connection motivates you to keep going, even when things get tough. For instance, if you value creativity and self-expression, setting a goal around writing or creating art may feel deeply satisfying because it allows you to express a core part of yourself.


When your goals are tied to your identity and values, the process becomes more enjoyable, and the achievements feel more meaningful. You're no longer pursuing goals because you think you "should" or because they're what society deems important. Instead, you're pursuing goals aligned with who you are and want to become.


Building Habits That Reinforce Your Identity

Once you've identified the type of person you want to become, the next step is to create habits that support this new identity. Identity-based goals aren't about sudden, drastic changes. They're about consistently showing up in small ways, reinforcing who you are becoming.


If your goal is to become a more patient person, start with small actions like pausing before reacting in a stressful situation or practicing mindfulness each day. These small steps compound over time, gradually shaping your behavior and solidifying your identity.


Remember, the goal is not to achieve perfection overnight but to make gradual progress that aligns with your new self-image. Each day offers a new opportunity to embody the person you want to be.


Overcoming Setbacks with Identity in Mind

It's important to acknowledge that setbacks will happen. It can be tempting to give up or feel discouraged when they do. But it's easier to maintain perspective when you've set an identity-based goal.


Instead of viewing a setback as a failure, see it as part of becoming the person you want to be. Ask yourself, "What would someone who values resilience and growth do in this situation?" This question helps you approach challenges with curiosity rather than frustration and keeps you focused on long-term growth rather than short-term perfection.


The Challenge: Who Do You Want to Become?

Now that you understand the power of identity-based goals, I want to challenge you to take action. Instead of thinking about what you want to achieve next, think about who you want to become. Write down one quality or characteristic that aligns with your values and the person you aspire to be.


Then, identify one small habit you can start today to move closer to that version of yourself. Remember, the path to meaningful change is built on small, consistent actions reflecting the person you want to be.


So, I challenge you: Don't just set goals for what you want to do—set goals for who you want to become—and start living as that person today.


By focusing on identity, you'll find that the process becomes more rewarding and more aligned with your true self. Every day is an opportunity to step closer to becoming your best version.

I hope my answer sheds some light on your question. If you want to dig into this concept further, I encourage you to reach out and set up a conversation. In the meantime, check back tomorrow for the next question in the Unleash Your Potential Series!


Be Well!





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