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Writer's pictureDouglas McCall

Unleash Your Potential #67 - Staying Committed

Douglas: Welcome to the Unleash Your Potential Blog; what question can I answer today?


PurposePioneer: How do I stay committed to my goals? 


Douglas: First, let me acknowledge something important—you’ve already made a significant step by asking how to stay committed to your goals. That shows a level of self-awareness and determination that not everyone has. You’re not just passively drifting; you’re actively seeking ways to improve, persevere, and achieve something meaningful. That alone is worth celebrating.


Staying committed to our goals is one of our biggest challenges, especially when the initial excitement wears off, obstacles arise, and doubt starts creeping in. But the fact that you’re looking for answers means you’re already ahead of the curve. The good news is some strategies can help you maintain your commitment, even when the journey gets tough. It all starts with aligning your goals with your identity and building resilience.


Let me share a story from my life that beautifully illustrates the importance of identity and resilience in staying committed to our goals.


About ten years ago, I decided I wanted to run a 5k. I am not naturally athletic, nor do I have much experience with running. But I committed myself: I would complete the race, no matter what.


As I trained, I encountered numerous setbacks. Minor injuries, fatigue, and the sheer mental challenge of pushing my body to do something I had never done made me question whether I could really do it. I thought about quitting many times.


But then something shifted. I began to see myself not just as someone “training” for a 5k but as a “5k runner”. This change in identity was subtle but powerful. I embraced the identity of a 5k athlete—someone who perseveres, pushes through pain, and doesn’t quit, no matter how tough it gets. This new identity gave me the resilience to keep going, even when the road was hard.


When race day came, I faced grueling conditions—freezing cold and exhaustion tested my limits. But I held on to my identity as a 5k runner, and with every step, I reminded myself, “This is who I am.” Ultimately, I crossed the finish line, not because I was the strongest or the fastest, but because I was committed to living out my identity.


I offer that story to show you that you can stay committed to your goals, even when they stretch you far beyond what you currently see yourself as. Let me offer you the ABCs for staying committed to your goals.


Align Your Goals with Your Identity

One of the most effective ways to stay committed to your goals is to align them with your identity. When your goals are deeply connected to who you believe you are, they become non-negotiable. This alignment fuels your motivation and strengthens your commitment.


For example, if your goal is to write a book, start by embracing the identity of a writer. Writers write, regardless of whether they’re published or not or how inspired they feel on any given day. By seeing yourself as a writer, you’re more likely to commit to daily writing because that’s simply what writers do.


To put this into practice, reflect on your goals and ask yourself, “Who do I need to become to achieve this goal?” Then, start living as that person today. What facets of identity must you add or accentuate to shift your mindset?


Break Down Your Goals into Manageable Steps

Many people lose commitment to their goals because they are overwhelmed. When a goal feels too big or distant, it’s easy to get discouraged. That’s why breaking down your goals into small, manageable steps is essential.


Focusing on one step at a time creates a sense of progress and accomplishment, which fuels your motivation. Each small victory reinforces your commitment and keeps you moving forward. Celebrate these small wins as proof that you’re on the right track, and use them as motivation to tackle the next step.


Cultivate Resilience by Embracing Discomfort

Resilience is the ability to keep going when things get tough. It’s not about avoiding discomfort but embracing it as part of the journey. Every goal worth pursuing will have its challenges, and setbacks are inevitable. The key is to see these challenges as opportunities to grow stronger.


Regularly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is one way to build resilience. You can push yourself out of your comfort zone through physical challenges, like exercise, or mental challenges, like learning a new skill. The more you practice facing discomfort, the more resilient you become, and the more likely you are to stay committed to your goals when the going gets tough.


Now, I want to challenge you. Think about a goal you’ve been struggling to stay committed to. Reflect on how you can align this goal with your identity. Who do you need to become to achieve it? Start living as that person today—embrace that identity fully.


Next, identify one way you can build resilience this week. Maybe it’s doing something that scares you or sticking with a task even when you don’t feel like it. Embrace the discomfort and remind yourself that every challenge is making you stronger.


Remember, staying committed to your goals isn’t about never faltering—it’s about aligning your goals with who you are and having the resilience to keep going, no matter what. When you see yourself as someone who doesn’t quit, someone who overcomes obstacles, you’ll find that your commitment becomes unshakable.


So, take on this challenge. Align your identity with your goals, build your resilience, and watch your commitment to your dreams become stronger. You’ve got this!

I hope my answer sheds some light on your question. If you want to dig into this concept further, I encourage you to reach out and set up a conversation. In the meantime, check back tomorrow for the next question in the Unleash Your Potential Series!


Be Well!




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